2007 Night Crossward Review Section 3-4 Answer Key
Am J Pharm Educ. 2010 Sep x; 74(vii): 117.
Crossword Puzzles equally a Tool to Enhance Learning About Anti-Ulcer Agents
Received 2010 Feb 1; Accustomed 2010 Apr 14.
To design, implement, and evaluate the apply of crossword puzzles as a low-stakes educational tool for enhancing learning most anti-ulcer agents.
Crossword puzzles were created using a gratuitous Internet resource and administered to students during 3 sequent lectures covering the pharmacology and medicinal chemistry of anti-ulcer agents. Student perceptions of the crossword puzzle were examined using an 8-item survey instrument.
Over 90% of students indicated that crossword puzzles enhanced their learning, oriented them to the important topics, and served as good reviews of the lecture fabric.
Students perceived that crossword puzzles enhanced their learning of anti-ulcer agents. Use of crossword puzzles provides a simple and creative way to incorporate agile learning into chemist's shop classroom didactics.
Keywords: crossword puzzles, active learning, anti-ulcer agents, games, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry
Much of the material delivered to students in the pharmacy curriculum is through "presentation" of factual information via passive education methods.1 , 2 Incorporation of agile-learning methods into classroom teaching allows lecturers to engage students in the learning process and enhance their learning experience.1 , 3 , four Use of games in the pharmacy classroom is an effective style of introducing active learning in the classroom.5 , vi Games such as "PK Poker" and "Who Wants to Be a Med Chem Millionare?" offering a resourceful supplement to lecturing and provide a positive learning feel for students. Crossword puzzles too are useful as structured educational tools for facilitating critical thinking and reinforcing the material acquired during the lecture.4 , 7 - 9
South Academy Schoolhouse of Pharmacy presents important cloth in the chemist's curriculum in integrated sequence modules. Examples of the integrated sequence modules are: infectious disease, inflammation, gastrointestinal/hepatobiliary, endocrine, and cardiology. The use of organ-system-based modules allows lecturers from the pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, and therapeutics disciplines to deliver lecture material in an integrated and sequential mode. Crossword puzzles were used in the integrated sequence module covering gastrointestinal diseases during iii lectures focusing on the pharmacology and medicinal chemistry of anti-ulcer agents. Crossword puzzles were designed to provide students with feedback regarding their understanding of the cloth presented in the lecture and to promote pupil involvement in the learning process. This article describes the use of crossword puzzles in lectures covering the pharmacology and medicinal chemistry of anti-ulcer agents and includes educatee evaluation of the crossword puzzles as a low-stakes educational tool for enhancing pupil learning.
Using a free online resources,10 crossword puzzles were designed for three lectures describing the pharmacology and medicinal chemical science of anti-ulcer agents (Figure 1). These lectures were part of the gastrointestinal integrated sequence course, which met biweekly for 75 minutes in a 10-week quarter. Specific learning objectives for each of the 3 lectures are summarized in Tabular array one.

An example of a crossword puzzle created to enhance pupil learning of anti-ulcer agents.
Table 1
Specific Learning Objectives for the 3 Lectures Covering Anti-Ulcer Agents

Definitions of terms introduced in class and specific information such equally chemical backdrop and side effects of drugs presented in the lecture were supplied as "down" or "beyond" clues to solve the crossword puzzle. The puzzle clues were developed in alignment with the learning objectives for the lecture. Since the first lecture on anti-ulcer agents covers an introduction to ulcers, the molecular machinery of gastric acid secretion, an overview of the treatment options, and specific antacids used in the clinic, the crossword was designed to examination each of these topics (Figure 1). Covering information from each of the important lecture topics in the crossword puzzle provided feedback to the students on those areas on which they needed to spend more time. The clues given to the students were created at a moderate difficulty level every bit more difficult puzzles may have discouraged students from participating in the action.4
Printed copies of the crossword puzzles were handed out to the students at the beginning of the grade. Students were asked not to consummate the puzzles until told to do and so by the lecturer. When all of the pertinent material covered in the crossword puzzles had been presented in the lecture (approximately 45-55 minutes into the grade), the students were given 5 minutes to complete the puzzle. Students were encouraged to interact with each other while completing the puzzle to promote cohesive learning and identify misconceptions students had about the lecture material. Later 4 minutes, when a bulk of students had finished solving the crossword puzzle, the lecturer announced that 45-60 seconds were remaining. The lecturer so continued with the remaining office of the lecture.
Since one of the advantages of a crossword puzzle is its unique feature of self-correcting due to the length of each word and the overlap of each answer with other answers, the correct answers were not discussed in class.four No credit towards the final grade was given to the students for completion of the crossword puzzles and students were not required to plough in the crossword puzzles. Students who could not consummate the puzzles in grade were encouraged to read the fabric and complete the puzzle outside of course and contact the lecturer if they needed assistance.
2 groups of students enrolled in the gastrointestinal course completed 3 crossword puzzles, 1 during each of 3 consecutive gastrointestinal lectures. The get-go group, the graduating class of 2010, was enrolled in fall 2008. The 2nd grouping, the graduating course of 2011, was enrolled in autumn 2009. An anonymous survey instrument was adult to assess both groups' perceptions of crossword puzzles every bit a tool to enhance learning, identify key information, and serve as a review of textile covered. The instrument was composed of 8 statements with a v-point Likert scale used for responses (disagree-agree). In addition to assessing the students' perception of the employ of crossword puzzles equally a tool to enhance their learning feel, the survey instrument was intended to gather information about how crossword puzzles provided a positive learning feel and to determine what changes should exist made in how the crossword puzzles were administered in the future. The items "crossword puzzles provided enhanced my learning" and "learned more in class considering of the crossword puzzles" were designed to measure the students' perception of the crossword puzzles as a way to heighten their learning experience. The items "enjoyed classmate interaction and reviewing material while solving puzzle," "crossword puzzles oriented united states to the topics we should focus on," and "solving crossword puzzles are skilful reviews of the material covered" were developed to capture educatee perceptions of why they believed the crossword puzzles provided an enhanced learning experience. The remaining 3 items "length of time provided for solving the puzzles was sufficient," "the material on the puzzles was pertinent," and "extra credit should be associated with activities such as crossword puzzles" were developed to examine whether the students believed that changes were needed to the way the crossword puzzles were created and administered.
Both groups completed the survey instrument only once. In 2008, the student perception survey instrument was administered at the end of the 3rd lecture. In 2009, the perception survey instrument was administered at the finish of the course, eight weeks later on the lectures covering the pharmacology and medicinal chemistry of anti-ulcer agents.
Over 80% of all students completed the survey instrument (66 of 82 in 2008 and 78 of ninety in 2009). Students strongly supported the use of crossword puzzles in the classroom (Tabular array two). All students in 2008 and 92% of the students in 2009 indicated that crossword puzzles enhanced their learning. 1 hundred percent of the students in 2008 and 95% in 2009 agreed or strongly agreed that the crossword puzzles helped them learn the important topics inside the lectures. Likewise, 95% of students in 2008 believed that they learned more equally a result of the crossword puzzles versus 78% in 2009. Over 99% of students reported that crossword puzzles were good reviews of the lecture textile. In terms of class interaction, most students enjoyed engaging their classmates while solving the puzzle (98% in 2008 and 88% in 2009). Students opinions most the concept of earning extra credit for the crossword puzzles varied, with 15% in 2008 and 26% in 2009 disagreeing with the idea. In addition to the 8 survey items, students were asked to provide additional comments nearly the crosswords if they desired.
Table 2
Student Perceptions of Crossword Puzzles as a Written report Tool (N=144)

The educatee comments were generally favorable and provided insight into the positive learning experience perceived past the students. The students described the crossword puzzles as being a fun and unique style to exam their comprehension of the material. The students pointed out that completing the crossword puzzles provided a practiced review of the material covered in course and allowed them to communicate and hash out the textile with their classmates. A couple of students pointed out that the crossword puzzles should be bigger and that students were provided also much time for solving the puzzles.
Achievement of learning outcomes was assessed through the use of examinations consisting of multiple-option questions. Performance on the examinations related to the pharmacology and medicinal chemistry of anti-ulcer agents represented 42% of the test in 2008 and 50% of the test in 2009. The residuum of both tests covered questions related to the therapeutics of anti-ulcer agents. In 2008, the test average was 82%, and in 2009 the boilerplate on the test was 85%.
The course was evaluated past students at the end of the quarter as part of the assessment plan in identify at the school. The evaluations were washed past paper using a five-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree and v = strongly concord). Student course evaluations related to the anti-ulcer topic were positive. The students agreed with the statement "The assignments and quizzes contributed significantly to learning," with a mean score of iv.7 in 2008 and a mean score of four.3 in 2009. Likewise the students generally agreed with the statement "I have developed an understanding of the principles of medicinal chemical science, pharmacology, and therapeutics equally these disciplines relate to the molecular interactions of drugs with biological systems and the fundamentals of rational drug therapy in clinical settings" with a mean score of iv.five in 2009 and iv.3 in 2009.
The goal of our survey was to examine chemist's shop students' perception of crossword puzzles as creative and interactive educational materials to enhance their learning experience. The pupil responses to the 8-question survey captured the multiple benefits of crossword puzzles as supplements to traditional lecture formats. Students reported that crossword puzzles helped them to identify important topics and served as a skillful review of the material covered. A majority of students as well believed that crossword puzzles enhanced their learning. The results from our survey are consistent with previous studies examining the effectiveness and student perception of crossword puzzles as report tools.4 , vii Saxena et al found that crossword puzzles contributed to the overall learning of 61 of fourscore medical students in an undergraduate pathology grade.4 While this manuscript describes the educatee perceptions of the use of crossword puzzles every bit an active-learning instructional tool, the value of crossword puzzles as an educational tool tin besides be measured past examining the event of crossword puzzles on student learning past comparison operation of student groups' who had completed the puzzles in lectures versus those who had not. Crossman and Crossman showed that students achieved college test scores in a History of Psychology course after using crossword puzzles as report tools.seven
Many students indicated that the crossword puzzles helped them to focus on the important topics in the lectures and provided a expert review for the examination. Others noted that the crossword puzzles made learning fun as they were interactive, enjoyable, and provided a dainty change "from the typically dry nature of certain subjects." Some students as well indicated that solving the crossword puzzles led them to first studying sooner for the examinations and helped them learn some topics from the lecture that they might accept otherwise overlooked. Another factor that may take contributed to the positive learning experience perceived by the students is that at least xc% of students surveyed in 2008 and 2009 are Millenials, students who were built-in from 1980-1991.11 Oblinger described Millenials equally participatory learners who prefer to assemble information from a diverseness of sources. Crossword puzzles allow students to participate in the learning process past challenging and identifying gaps in their knowledge in an interactive format.4 More than 95% of students enjoyed interacting with classmates and reviewing the material while solving the puzzle. This is in line with Oblinger's description of Millenials every bit communicators who gravitate toward activities that promote and reinforce social interaction.
A contributing cistron to the enhanced learning experienced by the students also may have been the interruption in the lecture itself. Adult learners have an attention span of effectually 20 minutes; thus, didactic lectures should be punctuated with periodic activities to restart the "attention clock."12 Lecturers who tin can incorporate illustrations, experiments, or other types of breaks into a lecture tin can command increased attending from students.13 Crossword puzzles provide a skilful break in a lecture as they are traditionally associated with being a recreational activeness. Additionally, the advantage of using the crossword puzzles every bit a "pause" is that it allows students to proceed their learning. Involvement in a unlike action might besides improve the attention span of the students for the remaining part of the lecture and ensure that students review the key concepts covered in class. This is especially helpful in teaching sequential material where the noesis of basic concepts covered in the early portion of a lecture is essential to build understanding of the latter portion. But addressing the key points during a mid-lecture summary slide does non necessitate all passive learners to focus and review the key concepts presented in the lecture. The crossword puzzles require the students to read through the clues, call back and review the material, and engage in discussions with their colleagues to articulate any misconceptions virtually the cloth.4 This virtually likely leads to a better comprehension and retention of the learning material and contributes towards the positive learning experience perceived past the students. While this manuscript focuses on the use of crossword puzzles to comprise agile learning in the chemist's shop classroom, other activities such as word scrambles, give-and-take search puzzles, Jeopardy, and bingo may be equally effective in increasing student involvement in the learning process.
Crossword puzzles were used as an in-form activeness for 3 consecutive lectures on anti-ulcer agents. Student perceptions of the use of crossword puzzles equally an active-learning instructional tool were gathered using a survey instrument based on a 5-point Likert calibration. A majority of the students perceived that the crossword puzzles enhanced their learning of antiulcer agents. Crosswords contributed to a positive learning feel by assuasive the students to improve appoint in the learning experience, providing a recreational suspension during the lecture, and allowing the students to review the lecture material. Crossword puzzles are piece of cake to create using tools available on the Cyberspace and offer a simple and creative way to contain active learning into a number of courses in the chemist's curriculum.
Nosotros give thanks Professor Martin Zdanowicz for his comments and suggestions.
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Articles from American Periodical of Pharmaceutical Educational activity are provided here courtesy of American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2972511/
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